25 Mar 2012

Turn the ball

Today Ive been outside with friends from my neighborhoods. We have had a great time with each other. We have played something called "Turn the ball". It looks a bite like baseball. Butit is not exactly the same. But it was very cool, nice and fun! We also played something called "I reported war". Its a cool game for kids from 5-19 years old, or older too! At this game many of the kids at my neighborhood was with, and it was very fun:)  I like when all kids in our nighborhoods are coming together and play! We also did something called "Jump doble rope". Yes, it just lies in the word:) Funny! I was trying something called "Jump cane", I dont know how i shall explain that game, but it was very funny! And we just had a lot of time where we just talked about everything, especially boys:)!
Her is some pictures from "Turn the ball"! I Hope you have had a nice day to! :)

- Bless u!
- HannEileen

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